Closer to the Edge

Posted on Feb 21, 2025 in Events, Projects, Workshops | No Comments
Closer to the Edge

Thank you to everyone who made half term so special in Highgate!  We’ve been busy getting “Closer to the Edge,” ready to reopen The Edge later this spring. CREATE (Creative Revolutionary Evolution @ The Edge), our amazing steering group of young people, has been at the heart of it all to develop a range of exciting opportunities for when The Edge reopens.

CREATE members had a unique experience visiting The Edge, currently a bustling construction site. The visit sparked inspiration for future projects with Artclub Leader Heidi Pendergast.

We also delved into Friction Archives, exploring past artwork from The Edge, local places, and stories from our various projects. For example, we have extensive archives documenting over four years of work with traders at the former Wholesale Market, culminating in the massive “Everything Must Go” performance, which captured the market’s demolition and transformation into a vast empty space in the City Centre in 2018.

Beyond The Edge itself, we’ve teamed up with our “Home in Highgate” partners across Birmingham, including BOSF, St. Martin’s Youth Centre, Stanhope Wellbeing Hub, Magnolia House, Aero-kick Gym, and St. Albans Church, to offer a diverse program of activities for everyone. These included sporting events in local parks, art workshops at Magnolia House and Stanhope, and an eye-opening street art and graffiti walk.  As you can see below we also visited the MAC’s latest ‘Waste Age’ exhibition and popped in on Edgbaston Cricket Club.

“Closer to the Edge” has been all about seeing Highgate through the eyes of its young people. It’s part of a series of activities with young people, artists, and residents that will continue over the next few months leading up to The Edge’s reopening in late spring.

Want to be part of the excitement? Keep in touch and find out more about our upcoming activities!

Highgate skyline drawing