Making Friends and Dens Home in Highgate

Posted on Aug 22, 2024 in Events, Projects, Workshops | No Comments
Making Friends and Dens Home in Highgate

Join us for a fun-filled day of den-making at Appletopia Park (formerly Conybere Street Public Open Space) on Thursday, August 29th from 11am to 1pm, and then at St.Martin’s Youth and Community Centre, 1pm to 5pm.

Our Summer Youth Programme for ages 8 to 18 has been a blast, and we’re inviting parents with younger children to join us for this special event with Glue Collective making Dens.Glue Collective will be leading the den-making activities in the morning and we’ll also have delicious lunch and sports activities.from 1pm at St.Martin’s.

Our theme over the summer has been finding out about what young people think about being at ‘Home in Highgate’.  We’ve been interviewing each other and people from Highgate, exploring nature and growing, including a visit to Stanhope Wellbeing Hub Community Garden, exploring printing, scavaging, drawing, drama as well as making miniature homes.

Let’s celebrate our community and make lasting memories together!

Activities on 29th will be leading to young people ‘curating’ our giant map of Highgate as part ofHighgate at the Community Summer Fete Saturday 31st August 11at New Hope Park led by Birmingham Open Space Forum.

Key tmes and locations:

Thursday 29th August 11am to 1pm Den Making with Glue Collective, Appletopia Park

Thursday 29th August 1pm to 5pm Delicious Lunch and Making Homes, St.Martin’s Youth Centre

Saturday 31st August 11am to 4pm Youth Activities and Community Event, New Hope

Highgate skyline drawing
Social Farms & Gardens logo
Friction logo, the word frictioj in black, jagged font on a sort of pink explosion
Enterprize zone logo
Fit for ALL logo
Birmingham City Council Logo