WOC session #2 Finance, Funding and the 5 ‘F’s – Postponed

Due to flooding around the city, and in the interests of safety and dryness, we’re postponing this for a week or so – we’ll let you know when soon.
For our next WOC session, we’re going to be talking money, dosh, moolah, cash – you get the idea. Artists struggle a lot with finance, it’s often the reason they drop out of the business, having to keep a roof over your head and food in you and yours’ bellies mean people end up taking jobs that aren’t ideal – but it’s only temporary, right? Wrong – most people who take this route don’t return to being full-time artists – it’s often a trap, once you’re in it’s real hard to get back out.
So our Lead Artists will be giving the benefit of their experience, free, gratis from 6pm-9pm on Tuesday 24th September, at the Edge. Bring snacks, we will have emergency dhal or somesuch. We’ll be talking how to get work, what work to take, where to get financial support and how to monetise what you do, so you can keep on doing it. As usual this won’t be about the traditional, post-artschool routes, this will be about how to survive in the real world. We’ll also be working in our usual, responsive way, it’ll be focused on who is in the room, rather than a generic lecture, so please come well-armed with questions for us.
See you there.